what is it like to live in a passive house in Melbourne

So what does it feel like to live in a Passive House (passivhaus) in Melbourne?

If you’re like me, my home is as cold as it is outside, with my little electric heater working overtime to keep our bedroom somewhat comfortable. Unfortunately, most of the Australian housing stock has this same problem.

This morning I decided to message our Forrest Street clients and asked them how comfortable they are in their new Architectural Passive House.

Their reply.

Well, we're both wearing short sleeve shirts; enough said!

Ohh, and they are doing this without having to turn on the heater in their home, and are yet to ever turn it on!

They have found the home to be such a peaceful place to be, with the triple glazing having a huge impact on blocking out external noise. They have also found a noticeable difference in their sleep as the indoor air quality is significantly better as the HRV is delivering fresh filtered air throughout the home all day and night!

Even with the heater blaring, I still can’t walk around in shorts and a T-shirt in my home. But the crazy thing is we now have the answers to create homes that are healthy and comfortable, requiring little energy to run. It doesn’t require the industry to reinvent the wheel, it just requires us to rely on science to design and build our homes.

We build homes like this not because we think it’s cool, or to fit in with current trends. We do it because we believe this is the best way forward and are passionate about creating healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient homes. We do this because we love what we do and want to be part of a positive change. So if you want to know more about what we do, or build a Passivhaus or high-performing home, don’t be afraid to reach out and say hi!

If you want to know more about this Passive House or how we could build you a Passive House, please contact us. We have a great network of amazing passive house architects in Melbourne who we can hook you up with.


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